Home NewsLatest News Inflating US Debt Metrics Will Not Affect the Dollar, Expert Opines

Inflating US Debt Metrics Will Not Affect the Dollar, Expert Opines

by bitcoinews.us

The rising US debt numbers have always been a serious topic of discussion among financial experts. While some of them are stricken with panic as debt metrics inch closer to $35 trillion, some experts are expressing a rather “tempered” outlook towards the said development. 

Supporting the latter, Morgan Stanley analysts are particularly favoring the tempered narrative, stating that the ballooning US debt metrics will not hamper the progress of the US dollar. 

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Morgan Stanley Experts Predict the Future of the US Dollar

US dollar surrounded by question marks
Image Source: WatcherGuru

Experts at financial giant Morgan Stanley have backed the US dollar’s progress in a new statement. In a recent podcast session released by the institution, Morgan Stanley’s head of US public policy, Michael Zezas, shared a new compelling analysis. 

Zezas stated that the inflating US debt metrics will not hamper the dollar’s progression any time soon. The MS expert commented that the upcoming US elections may trigger a new fiscal plan for the US dollar, which may help ease pressure on the American currency. 

He later shared how US economists and the Federal Reserve are equipped with the right tools and mechanisms to fight inflationary pressure

“I understand the concern, but for the foreseeable future, there’s not much to it,” Zezas said. “Depending on the election outcome in the US, there’s some fiscal expansion on the table, but it’s not egregious in our view, and unless we think the Fed can’t fight inflation—and our economists think they can—then it’s hard to see a channel toward the dollar becoming an unstable currency.” Zezas reiterated. 

The institution’s stance towards the US dollar seemed pretty solid, as the expert added that the dollar can withstand any competitors attacking its prestige. 

“Bottom line, King Dollar doesn’t have any challengers,” Zezas opined. 

What Do The Statistics Portray?

While Morgan Stanley is forecasting a rather bright future for the US dollar, the statistical data at hand tells a different story. To begin with, the US debt metrics are inching towards $35 trillion, which may potentially detail the US economy’s direction and pace. 

Additionally, the government interest expense, or the interest paid on US debt, has already surpassed $1 trillion. This development is also signaling a death spiral that the US economy may be compelled to address sooner or later. 

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Moreover, the consumer sentiment index is also hitting a new low, signaling the US citizens’ distressing stance towards their decaying economy. 

“The consumer sentiment index fell from 77.2 in April to 67.4 in May, well below expectations. Americans’ expectations about the economy, personal finances, business, and buying conditions also plummeted to a six-month low. Meanwhile, consumers anticipate year-ahead inflation to rise to 3.5%, the highest reading since November 2023. Consumers are feeling the pain of inflation.

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